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Hey, I am Joseph Cohen I have been a NASM certified personal trainer for 12 years. My background is in basketball. As a player, I was varsity basketball captain for YGW High in Silver Spring MD. I went on to play guard for Paul Smiths College. In 2012 I graduated with a BA in Psychology from Chestnut Hill College. In the past, I worked as an AAU basketball coach and youth basketball camp director. In 2018 I attended the Touro University of Nevada physical therapy program. Ultimately, I decided that working with people before and after rehab is truly what I am passionate about. The combination of my sports background and movement science education makes me the right trainer to take you to the next level of fitness.
My certifications include CSCS, NASM, CPT, AFAA, group instructor precision nutrition level 1(PN1).

What is my style of training?

I am very goal-oriented in terms of my training. Every client and I start our journey with a simple conversation about 3 questions: What are their goals? Why are these their goals? What is stopping them from accomplishing these goals? I then like to take baseline measurements that will highlight a person’s strengths and weaknesses. When I take the subjective and objective information I make a full assessment and a plan to achieve the goals of this new client. I always tell clients that they are not just purchasing personal training sessions, rather they are getting a plan, a motivator, and a coach in their corner. In practice, I will take in exercise and be able to progress or regress the exercise to keep a person working hard, but safely, and with proper form. This allows people to move forward and see their gain in athletic ability over time. For some, this means they will dunk a basketball or run a 40 in x time, etc. For other people, it means they will sit up straighter, reach their arms higher, and get up and down more easily. These athletic achievements can appear trivial to some but in actuality they mean the world to others. Be it making a sports team or being able to enjoy our children and grandchildren, I don’t want you to stop playing! I will make sure our time is intense and productive while also insanely fun. Let’s talk about how we can get you closer to your goals today! 



